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SeHeMe “Home & Away” online magazine

August 16 2024

By Artemis Driva from Eurospeak

Starting from December 2023 under the lead of Defoin, the partner from Spain, all partners contributed to the development of the SeHeMe “Home & Away” online magazine and as a result its final draft in English is now ready! It was presented during the online monthly progress meeting of the project on the 1 st of August 2024 by Defoin.

Overall, the comments were very positive, so partners decided to proceed to translations into their national languages: Portuguese, Spanish, Greek and Arabic. Next, partners will evaluate it both internally and externally. The internal evaluation has already started and it will be completed soon. Regarding the external evaluation, partners will reach out to members of SeHeMe’s target group, namely migrants, youth workers and VET teachers. At the same time, partners aim to pilot it to 50 migrants in total, 5 migrants per partner.

Divided into 5 main topics and several subtopics plus a special introduction that explains why the “Home & Away” online magazine of SeHeMe is not just a magazine, a reader can delve into the following:

o Racism, xenophobia, and discrimination: what are they?
o Definitions
o What does the law say about this?
o Hate Crimes
o Good practices to prevent and address racism, xenophobia, and discrimination
o Barriers
o Good Practices
o A closer look at the real situation: Articles written by migrants

o Cultural differences and similarities
o Games as a way to explore cultural differences and similarities
o Food: the expression of a culture
o Vatapá
o The language barrier
o A closer look at the real situation: interviews with migrants

o Opportunities young migrants can have or can find in the host society
o Education
o Employment and entrepreneurship
o Volunteering
o Access to healthcare, well-being, and social services
o Good practices

o Homesickness, Family & Friends
o Migration and loneliness
o Research insights and perspectives
o Homesickness
o What do experts suggest?
o Good Practices
  • Friendships
  • Loneliness as a form of artwork inspiration
  • Literature
  • Poetry
  • Visual Arts

o Immigrants, refugees & asylum seekers in Europe
o Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027
o Ensuring the successful assimilation of migrants into the host societies
o Bureaucratic Procedures
o Illegal Work
  • Illegal work over the years in Europe
  • Future migration flows and adaptation measures related to work & employment
o Gender equality and migration
  • Migrant Women & Unemployment
  • Integration of migrant women in the labour market
  • Important facts and figures about migrant women in labour force

Concluding, if you would like to read more about the “Home & Away” online magazine of the SeHeMe project and start exploring it, then click here to check a recent article published on Eurospeak’s website on the 14 th of August 2024, titled: “SeHeMe Project’s “Home & Away” Online Magazine: Empowering Migrants Through Stories and SolutionsSeHeMe Project’s “Home & Away” Online Magazine: Empowering Migrants Through Stories and Solutions”.