See Me, Hear Me - SeHeMe project
9 November, 2022
By Anabela Mateus and Ana Cunha from Lusófona University
The See Me, Hear Me – SeHeMe project (Project Number: 2022-1-PT02-KA220-YOU-000087351) has several objectives, namely to provide language and media literacy education simultaneously to young immigrants and newly arrived young immigrants in a host country, to ease young immigrants’ integration into their host country by giving them a voice through which they can express themselves and share their experiences.
The SeHeMe project has a direct target group consisting of young and newly arrived young migrants and/or refugees and an indirect target group consisting of youth organisations, language schools and VET centres.
The project combines language education with media literacy and aims to give voice to the marginalised community of young migrants and refugees.
The SeHeMe project will produce the following:
- An Evaluation Toolkit for refugee and migrant representation in the media that will include a set of criteria to judge regions’ representation of migrants in media.
- A booklet, highlighting the stories of immigrants with positive impact on the European society will include See Me, Hear Me case studies.
- A Foreign language for Media Literacy e-course to enhance young immigrants’ linguistic skills.
- The Home & Away online magazine that will give a voice to the target group.
Lusófona University had the pleasure to host the first TPM of this project on the 23 rd and 24 th of January 2023 in Lisbon, and as the coordinator, it welcomed the representatives of the other five partners, namely DEFOIN (Spain), E-SCHOOL (Cyprus), Eurospeak (Ireland), PADIL (Tunisia), and RESET (Greece) for two days of intense work.
The first day started with the presentation of the partner institutions by their representatives followed by a general introduction to the project by the coordinator.
The partners presented the several plans that are part of WP1, namely the Management Plan (by Lusófona University), the Quality and Evaluation
Plan (by RESET), the Greenkeeping Plan (by DEFOIN), the Publicity Plan (by Eurospeak) and the Sustainability Plan (by PADIL) and feedback was given about some details in the plans, and some adjustments were made accordingly.
The afternoon was dedicated to the discussion of the work to be developed for the Evaluation Toolkit.
The second day of the meeting was divided into two parts: the morning session dedicated to a discussion of WP2 and a guided visit to the Jerónimos Monastery, one of the most beautiful and important monuments in Lisbon, which marvelled everybody.
This was the perfect end for this 2-day meeting, which was also the opportunity for the partners to meet in person and get to know each other, which is extremely important for the work to be developed under the project. Everybody is very enthusiastic about the project and looking forward to working together.